They say to find what you love and what helps the world, and then turn it into a profession. As a child I was chided for always daydreaming out the window during class. Now I am a professional daydreamer. I noticed there was a cause and effect to my words and thoughts and what was happening around me in the physical materialized world, I was fascinated to figure out scientifically how that worked and why. I have overcome so much and changed my entire life by becoming aware of my subconscious focus of thought and my belief system. I still see people all around me on the other side of suffering. I am here to guide people who are ready to be the greatest version of themself, and to show everyone that the world inside your mind that you control can be as real as any pain.
If you do not learn to control your mind and where your thoughts flow, your default programming will run your life. Which tends to be negatively tuned from media and acquaintances. Most of us got corrupted programming as children in our early impressionable years of development from the adults in our lives who didn't know better. It's our own responsibility to renew our minds so we don't continue the cycle of traumatizing the next generation with the same destructive behaviors, cruel words and false beliefs.
Most don’t realize they participate in the biggest form of mass hypnosis every single day: watching “the news”
What is hypnosis? It is the bridge to the subconscious mind, where memories are stored, habits are formed, and permanent behavioral change is made. We analyze in our conscious mind (Beta), however solutions and epiphanies occur in the subconscious mind (Alpha and Theta). Hypnosis is the only way to deliberately access the subconscious mind. Everything you see around you first occurred in someone's subconscious mind before it ever materialized into the world. Hypnosis is a state of increased suggestability, relaxation, and heightened imagination, that can help a person become more in control of their habits and behaviors. In the subconscious mind, every idea and thought has a physical reaction, and what is expected tends to be realized. The subconscious mind is much like a computer hard drive, that if not maintained may be corrupted and eventually crash. Think of it like deleting useless apps on your phone that are draining your battery and downloading new apps that you will actually utilize to assist your life. Once an idea has been accepted by the subconscious mind, it remains until it is replaced. The longer an idea exists, the harder it is to move forward. Allow me to guide you in identifying your specific desired results, as vague daydreams can't come to fruition.
In hypnosis you will be aware and conscious of everything at all times. Your will is not weakened in any way. You are in control and cannot be made to do anything against your will. In fact hypnotherapy will help you *gain* control of your mind and life. Being in hypnosis is much like a daydream, and a hypnotherapist is simply the guide.
I work with children and adults on behavioral change such as:
-losing weight and keeping it off
-becoming a non smoker
-acquiring healthy habits / releasing harmful habits
-stress & anxiety relief
-reinventing yourself
-relationship counseling
-increase confidence & self worth
-chemo side effects
-overcome phobias like public speaking and cold calling
-reframe traumatic memories
-improve work/sport performance
-mitigate pain / manage auto immune symptoms
And more! Hypnotherapy can help with a surprising amount of issues so do reach out with your specific challenges and I'll evaluate realistically how many sessions may be needed